Daily Archives: 2008年10月18日


今天才看到13号在Nature News上的Chalfie专访。我首先关注的就是他有没有提到Prasher。因为,你如果过份赞美Prasher,就好像你不该拿奖似的;但如果你对Prasher稍有贬低,那人家就马上说你背信弃义。但是Chalfie的回答很好。原来不光Chailfie发Science的时候署了Prasher的名字,就连钱永健发Science的时候也署了Prasher名字,大家都尊重Prasher。问题是Prasher现在很穷,而且也该得奖。总觉得这件事情很遗憾。

这篇专访另一个好玩的地方是,最后记者习惯性地问了句“What’s next for you?”,Chalfie说:“The funny thing is, some people ask: what are you going to do now? But this was an award for something that we published 14 years ago. We’ve been doing quite a lot [since then], mainly looking at mechanical sensors on the sense of touch and trying to understand how that’s transduced.”