[Olson believes that]science holds the fate of humanity in its hands, and if scientists are incapable of sharing their knowledge with the public then the results could be catastrophic.
Science is a process of “attempting to falsify ideas in the search for truth” and noting that “the masses trive not on negativity and negation but on positivity and affirmation”.
文中用到了thrive on一词,非常重。因此,要与公众打交道,科学家必须要学会减少否定,大胆肯定。你老是否定,公众就认为你是耍狡猾的伪知识分子,你只有大胆地信口开河地去下结论、打包票,公众才会把你当作救星。一句话——忽悠!可劲地忽悠!
As more and more people make up their minds about a subject on the basis of a speaker’s style, rather than the substance of what they are saying, learning how to speak about science with style is a crucial skill.
From the preparation you need to do, including how to dress on TV, to always assuming everything you say is ‘on the record’, her book is packed full of valuable information. She alsoadvises on producing content for the web, writing your own book and press releases, and dealing with politicians.
所以,刘树杞如果至少发布一个press release澄清林语堂的不实宣传的话,结果会好很多。
Milinovich, G. (2009). How to get your message across Nature, 462 (7274), 723-723 DOI: 10.1038/462723a