Tag Archives: viscoelasticity




我看到俄罗斯流变学家Alxander Malkin的流变学教材Rheology: Concepts, Methods and Applications在第2章介绍粘弹性的时候,专门用一块小字号的阅读材料来解释什么叫松弛时间——而且是作为物理学的一般性概念来介绍。很简短明快,值得借鉴。

Relaxation time — general concept in physics

The concept of relaxation has a general meaning for many physical phenomena. It is a reflection of an idea of restoration of equilibrium state from a non-equilibrium condition, regardless of the reasons which caused the departure from equilibrium. For example, this can be concentration fluctuation caused by purely statistical reasons as was considered by Maxwell. Let the equilibrium value of some physical parameter be X, current value of this parameter be X, and let it be supposed that the rate of approach of equilibrium is proportional to the distance from the equilibrium. This assumption immediately leads to the following first-order kinetic equation:
where k is a kinetic rate constant with the dimension of reciprocal time.

The parameter X in the initial state equals to X0. Then, the solution of this equation is

Now, if X=0, then the simplest form of this equation is
X\left(t\right)=X_0e^{-kt} (*)

The last two equations describe the relaxation process, and the value of
is called the relaxation time. Its value characterizes the rate of approch of the equilibrium (but not the complete time necessary to reach this equilibrium because it is infinitely large according to equation *.


Alexander Yakovlevich Malkin是俄罗斯的流变学家。很老了,可惜关于他的故事了解得不多。也许郑融老师会对他有所了解?



众所周知(线性)粘弹性是处于Hookian弹性和Newtonian粘性这两个极端之间的性质。对Hookian弹性体(Hookian弹簧模型)施加正弦形变,测到的是同相的正弦应力;向Newtonian粘流体(Newtonian粘壶)施加正弦形变速率,测到的是同相的正弦应力。向一个线性粘弹性样品施加正弦形变,测到的是相位角为[eq]\delta[/eq]的正弦应力:[eq]\gamma_0 \sin \left ( \omega t+\delta \right )[/eq]。









一台应变控制型流变仪若要给出这样的图,就要给样品施加一定频率[eq]\omega[/eq]和幅度[eq]\gamma[/eq]的正弦应变[eq]\gamma \left ( t \right ) = \gamma_0 \sin \left ( \omega t \right)[/eq],然后夹具所连接的力学传感器记录样品向夹具施加的转矩,并根据夹具形状和Gap值换算成应变[eq]\sigma \left ( t \right )[/eq],在线性粘弹性条件下[eq]\sigma \left ( t \right )=\sigma_0 \sin \left ( \omega t + \delta \right )[/eq]。仪品仅需且必须准确测量出两个值:[eq]\sigma_0[/eq](从在转矩数据中找到的最值换算)和[eq]\delta[/eq](通过比较转矩数据和应变数据的相位差[eq]\Delta t[/eq]换算,见第1幅图)。其中,[eq]\Delta t=\frac{\delta}{\omega}[/eq]。其他诸如[eq]G'[/eq]、[eq]\eta'[/eq]之类的,都是从这两个数据算出来的。例如[eq]G”=\frac {\sigma_0}{\gamma_0} \sin \left( \omega \right )[/eq]。

如果样品非常接近Hookian弹性体,应力和应变的时间曲线接近同相,相位角[eq]\delta[/eq]的值是非常小的,如果同时频率[eq]\omega[/eq]的值很大,那么相位差[eq]\Delta t[/eq]的值就会非常小。按照第一幅图的情况,,这么大的时间差就算人也能测得很准。但是,在Laponite凝胶粘弹谱中,样品在高频区非常接近Hookian行为,[eq]\delta[/eq]小于2°,这时,如果要求仪器仍然把[eq]\delta[/eq]测准,就等于要求准确分辨小于万分之几秒的时间差。以为例:

仪器是通过比较应力和应变两条曲线在横轴上的位值差来获得[eq]\Delta t[/eq]的。理论上[eq]\Delta t[/eq]再小也总大于0。但如果待测值小于仪器误差,仪器可能就搞不清两条曲线谁前谁后了,就会出现负值的[eq]\Delta t[/eq],从而出现负值的[eq]\delta[/eq]。虽然[eq]\delta[/eq]出现负值,但绝对值总之并不会太大,所以[eq]\delta[/eq]在第四象限,[eq]\cos\left(\delta\right)\gg 0,\sin\left(\delta\right)<0[/eq],所以“遭殃”的就会是[eq]G''[/eq]。


How does Google suggests for "rheology"?

Study showed recently that Google search suggestions may be misleading. The study took the word “nanotechnology” for example and showed that Google frequently directs searcher of this word to topic of health impact of nanotechnology. News reporters said this means that Google may scramble our perception of science reality.

Although I don’t buy the logic that not knowing any topic about the health impact of nanotechnology at all is helpful for a positive public image of nanotechnology, I am still interested what Google suggests for “rheology”. There is a relatively new tool in Google search — the wonder wheel. When searching for “rheology”, you can start a wonder wheel of it and explore the second-order wheel of each suggestion to “rheology”.

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To my surprise, “thixotropic” seems much more suggestible than “viscoelastic”. Does this mean people want to know about the former more frequently than the latter? Also more suggestible than “viscoelastic” is the simpler concept “viscosity”. “Viscoelastic” is even not in the suggestion list.

“Viscoelastic” does appears in wider list of suggestion, though.

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Viscoelasticity is a fundamental concept in rheology. The study of this property started from the very beginning of the history of rheology until today. However, many that are new to rheology find it much harder to accept than the concept of viscosity or even thixotropy.

The concept of viscosity is simple. The famous Newtonian definition appears exclusively in every textbooks. And starting from this, it is quite easy to understand what is non-Newtonian. Indeed, the Newtoinan/non-Newtonian type of classification is very convenient for fluids — things that can flow, but most rheological problems is concerned by things with fluidity that depends. The abyss most students of rheology really struggling against is things that cannot be properly characterized by only viscosity but need to intorduce the measures of G‘ and G”. I have been asked too many times about the “real, real meaning” of these moduli. Even experienced materials science researchers may not understand why bother uses this complicated framework of measure to characterize a piece material.

No bother indeed, in the practical context. There are two rheometers in my research group. Colleagues from other collages or institutes often find me for rheometry. 90% of the cases are requests for simple viscosity vs shear rate curves. Only when a requester wants to “add more plots and depth” to his/her paper would he/she asked for dynamic, that is, G‘/_G_” tests. In industry, a viscosity curve gives enough information for production in most cases.

The also popular “thixotropy” should thank the industry, too. Thixotropy is hard to characterize in a scientific way (ready for structural modeling) till even today, but materials of this property are essential for the existence of the paint industry, where an ad hoc thixotropic loop test is enough in most cases. More interestingly, while the concept of viscosity cannot meet the cases where the fluidity of materials is dependent, the concept of thixotropy is just about the duality of “flow/don’t flow”, somewhat complementing the former. In the practical sense, it seems that simple extreme concept like flow and not-flow (i.e. Newtonian vs Hookian) is enough in dealing rheological problems. That’s why Google does not suggest “viscoelastic” when searched for “rheology”. This may be misleading, however, when the user wants to know about rheology academically.